
Dartmouth Times

Friday, February 28, 2025

City of Lebanon: Approved 2022-2027 CIP Now Available


City of Lebanon issued the following announcement on October 19.

On September 13, 2021, the Lebanon Planning Board voted to approve and adopt the 2022-2027 Capital Improvement Program which has been posted and is available to view at LebanonNH.gov/CIP.

The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a document that is developed and updated annually for use by the City Council to review proposed budget expenditures relative to the capital needs of the community. The CIP is an essential component of the City’s financial planning effort and provides the long-range perspective and framework for addressing its capital improvement needs. 

As a companion to the annual budget, the CIP provides the mechanism for anticipating future facility and infrastructure requirements and ensuring that they are funded in a responsible and systematic fashion. Proposals set forth in this CIP and succeeding CIPs influence the standard of facilities and services the City of Lebanon provides its citizens in the future. As such, careful analysis and evaluation is necessary if it is to serve as a rational planning guide for necessary community improvements.

For questions about the CIP review process, please contact the Planning & Development Office. Questions about individual CIP projects should be directed to the sponsoring department as noted in the table of contents.

View the Approved 2021-2027 Capital Improvement Program.

Original source can be found here.