Legislation was recently passed in Concord to allot more money for an emergency fuel assistance program to help Granite State families who qualify. The Fuel Assistance Program is New Hampshire's arm of the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) which is funded through the US Department of Health and Human Services. The allotment is in addition to funding passed earlier this summer using state surplus funds. The legislation gives families who make 60-75% of the state median income a one-time payment of $650 for heating and electric benefits.
The Fuel Assistance Program can also help households during a heating emergency by securing an emergency delivery of fuel, delaying a shut-off notice, or referring clients to another source of assistance. More information about this program can be found at: https://www.energy.nh.gov/consumers/help-energy-and-utility-bills/fuel-assistance-program
For more information or questions about Heating and Electric Financial Assistance please contact Southwestern Community Services at 603-542-9528
UPDATE FROM EVERSOURCE: Eversource and the State of NH recognize the significant financial burden of the high cost of energy. To help, the State of NH is providing assistance through two programs administered by the Department of Energy through the Community Action Agencies (CAAs): - A one-time credit of $450 in heating assistance for households with incomes between 60% and 75% of the state median income. - A one-time credit of $200 on the electric bills of households with incomes between 60% and 75% of the state median income. In addition, the state has added funds to support the existing electric assistance program (EAP) for households with incomes below 60% of the state median income. What you need to know: You must apply to receive the heating assistance and electric bill credit through your local Community Action Agency by April 30, 2023. We encourage you to carefully manage your energy use, compare energy supply prices, and take advantage of programs to help pay or manage your bill. See programs, tips and tools available to you. If you would like to help others pay their electric bill, visit Neighbor Helping Neighbor or mail a check, made payable to Neighbor Helping Neighbor Fund, to: Neighbor Helping Neighbor Fund P.O. Box 3804 Manchester, NH 03105-3804 Contact your local Community Action Agency to learn more about or to apply for the heating assistance credit, electric bill credit and the electric assistance program (EAP).
Original source can be found here.