NHSaves Button Up Workshop
Thursday October 6th at 6:30pm
Sullivan Town Hall, 452 Centre St., Sullivan NH.
This workshop is in person and on Zoom (see below for how to get the Zoom link).
NHSaves is a collaboration of New Hampshire’s electric and natural gas utilities (Eversource, Liberty Utilities, NH Electric Cooperative and Unitil). The utilities are working together to provide information, incentives, and support designed to save energy, reduce costs and protect the NH environment.
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic and whole house weatherization measures to button up your home.
It also covers the energy efficiency programs that provide energy audits, weatherization measures, such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products.
With the high cost of energy, efficiency is more important than ever. The workshop is free to the public in person or on Zoom.
You can register and get the Zoom link by emailing bcummings708@gmail.com
For other questions call Wendy Byrn at 603-847-9621.
For more information on other NHSaves Button Up Workshops visit https://nhsaves.com/learn/?resource_type=events
Laura Trow
Sunapee Welfare Administrator
23 Edgemont Rd.
Sunapee, NH 03782
603-763-2212 Office
603-369-9896 Cell
Original source can be found here.